How do we work

  • Send your request here
  • Our expert will contact you
  • Discussing, developing and confirming your request
  • Preparing TOR
  • Confirming budget and terms
  • You get the solution

Our Experts 93 ExpertsAll

  • Nikolay V. Smirnov Nikolay V. Smirnov

    Development of SME

    Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)

    Regulatory Impact Analysis

    Improvement of the land and property regulation

    Investment activity

    Anticorruption policy and reduction of the corruption risks in public sector

    Regional policy

    Competitive policy

  • Alexey O. Shekhovtsov Alexey O. Shekhovtsov

    Investment activity

    Administrative reform

    Social and economic development of the regions, regional policy

    Development of information and communication technologies, E-Government.

    Development of SME

    Optimization of the procurement activity of the government

    Competitive policy

  • Tseren V. Tserenov Tseren V. Tserenov

    Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)

    Technical regulation and standartization

    Development of information and communication technologies, E-Government

    Investment activity

    Development of the innovation activity

    Consulting and legal services for private companies including optimisation of business, marketing services and others

  • Dmitry V. Pavlov Dmitry V. Pavlov

    Administrative reform

    Technical regulation and standardization

    Regulation of industrial safety

    Regulatory Impact Analysis

    Sustainable development

    Quality Management


    Development of the innovation activity

  • Oleg M. Shestoperov Oleg M. Shestoperov

    Development of SME

    Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)

    Regulatory Impact Analysis

    Regional policy

    Industrial policy

  • Sergey V. Smirnov Sergey V. Smirnov

    Administrative reform

    Development of SME

    Regulatory Impact Analysis

    Optimization of the procurement activity of the government


  • Tatiana L. Rukavishnikova Tatiana L. Rukavishnikova

    Development of SME

    Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)

    Regulatory Impact Analysis

    Competitive policy

    Industrial policy

  • Viktor A. Kharchenko Viktor A. Kharchenko

    Development of land & property relations

    Efficiency improvement of the state and municipal real property management

    Regulation of entrepreneurial activities

    Administrative reform

    Deregulation and de-bureaucratization of the economy

    State regulation of the ICT market

    Development "the new economy"

    Creation of e-government

    SME in the ICT sphere

    SME in Russia and its individual regions

    Social and economic development of regions

    Migration policy

    Transport system development

  • Alexey A. Sorokin Alexey A. Sorokin

    Development of SME

    Regulatory Impact Analysis

    Improvement of the land and property regulation

    Investment activity

    Regional policy

    Industrial policy

  • Yuriy A. Shevernev Yuriy A. Shevernev

    Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)

    Technical regulation and standartization

    Development of information and communication technologies, E-Government.

    Development of the innovation activity

    Regional policy

    Industrial policy

    Consulting and legal services for private companies including optimisation of business, marketing services and others

  • Fazliddin S. Saydullaev Fazliddin S. Saydullaev

    Regulatory Impact Analysis

    Administrative reform

    Development of information and communication technologies, E-Government.

    Development of SME

    Optimization of the procurement activity of the government

    Competitive policy

  • Sergey M. Krasnov Sergey M. Krasnov

    Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)

    Regulatory Impact Analysis

    Development of information and communication technologies, E-Government

    Improvement of the land and property regulation

    Investment activity

    Industrial policy

  • Evgeny G. Litvak Evgeny G. Litvak

    Development of land & property relations

    Efficiency improvement of the state and municipal real property management

    Regulation of entrepreneurial activities

    Administrative reform

    Deregulation and de-bureaucratization of the economy

    Creation of e-government

    SME in Russia and its individual regions

    social and economic development of regions

  • Vladimir V. Buyev Vladimir V. Buyev

    Development of SME

    Administrative reform (including optimization of the procurement activity of the government)

    Technical regulation and standartization

    Development of information and communication technologies, E-Government.

    Improvement of the land and property regulation

    Anticorruption policy and reduction of the corruption risks in public sector

    Consulting and legal services for private companies including optimisation of business, marketing services and others

Our Technologies All

  • Strategic design
  • Development of regulation
  • Sociological surveys
  • Monitoring
  • Forecasts
  • Study of best practices
  • Optimization
  • Organisation of events
  • Assessment
  • IT consulting
  • Training of civil servants
  • Investment projects support
